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Middle ages

Pfyn in the Middle Ages

Around the year 1000 a large estate was built.

The village of Pfin gained recognition through the Battle of Pfyn Forest Schlacht im Pfynwald. In May 1799, French troops defeated the Upper Valais counterforce here. The Pfyn Memorial is a reminder of this battle even today.


Pfyn in Roman times

The Romans influenced the development of Valais a great deal. They built a major road linking Martigny with the Upper Valais and it was the Romans who introduced rye to Valais as well as the first bissen (water ditches) used by the Romans for irrigation.

Iron age

Climate and land use in the Iron Age

During the Early Iron Age, Pfyn Forest was evidently used intensively as a forest pasturage for ruminants. Extensive examination of coprolites (fossilised fæces) from Neolithic and Bronze Age lakeside settlements have revealed that this was a common form of animal husbandry.

Pfyngut Wallis – Finges Valais